Product badges

Adjust the standard badges and create custom badges that appear on product cards and product pages throughout your store. You can turn the badges on in the ‘Product badges’ block on the product page and in the theme settings for product cards.

‘Sold out’ badge

The badge for the products out of stock.


Pick the color for the badge background.


Pick the color for the badge text.

‘Sale’ badge

The discount badge for the products on sale.

Show as

Choose the badge view.


Pick the color for the badge background.


Pick the color for the badge text.

‘Sale’ badge next to price

The discount badge for the products on sale that appears next to the price.

Show as

Choose the badge view.


Pick the color for the badge background.


Pick the color for the badge text.

Sale price highlight

The color of the final price for the products on sale.


Pick the highlight color for the sale price.

‘Custom 1 to 3’ badge

The badges you create by linking them to product tags. Learn how to use product tags in Shopify.


Fill in the text to show on the badge.


Fill in the name of the product tag to link the badge to, for example, 'new'. Consider these Shopify requirements for tags.


Pick the color for the badge background.


Pick the color for the badge text.

Last updated