
Add this block to place the image that fits the general arrangement of the footer.



Select an image to add to the footer. You can choose images either from your library or the free images collection. Note that the free images you use are also saved to your library. You can further edit the uploaded image: add a focal point and fill in an alt text.


You can add a video instead of an image. In this case, the video has a priority. You can either choose a video from your files or upload a new video from your device. Note that the newly added videos are also saved to your files. You can further edit the uploaded video: add a cover image and fill in an alt text.

Image ratio

Adjust the proportion between the image width and height, and make its orientation square, horizontal, or vertical.

Image size

Adjust the image size within the block.

Choose a page within your store or enter a URL to redirect customers to another page when they click on the image.

Last updated