Cookie banner

Use this popup to notify customers that you use cookies and get consent for tracking data collection.

Note that to use the theme’s cookie banner instead of Shopify’s built-in one, you need to set it up in the customer privacy settings of your Shopify admin. Select ‘More actions’ > ‘Use custom cookie banner’.


Color scheme

Choose a separate color scheme for the popup.

Desktop position

Choose the popup position on desktop.

Vertical spacing

Adjust the spacing between the popup and the screen border, either top or bottom, depending on the popup position.

Horizontal spacing

Adjust the spacing between the popup and the screen border, either left or right, depending on the popup position.

Desktop content width

Adjust the content width within the popup.



Fill in the heading to state the purpose of the popup.


Fill in the body with your terms of use for cookies.

Heading size

Choose the font size for the content heading.

Body size

Choose the font size for the content body. Note that the option applies only to the 'Paragraph' body text formatting.

Content alignment

Choose the content alignment within the popup.


Accept button label

Fill in the button name to state what happens when the customer selects it. Without a name, the button disappears.

Accept button style

Choose the style of the button.


the button filled with color


the button with only its borders colored


the label with an arrow icon

Decline button label

Fill in the button name to state what happens when the customer selects it. Without a name, the button disappears.

Decline button style

Choose the style of the button.


the button filled with color


the button with only its borders colored


the label with an arrow icon

Last updated