Logo list

Use this section to list the logos of the brands you sell, the associations you are a member of, the awards you have won, and more.


Color scheme

Choose a separate color scheme for the section.


Choose the width of the section on the page.

Desktop layout

Choose the layout of the section on desktop.


a static view with multiple rows


a scrollable view with one row and navigation arrows on sides

Mobile layout

Choose the layout of the section on mobile.


a scrollable view with navigation arrows on sides

1 column

a static one-column view

2 columns

a static two-column view



Fill in the heading to group the logos under, for example, 'Our Brands' or 'Our Awards'.

Heading size

Choose the font size for the heading.

Heading alignment

Choose the heading alignment over the logos.



Choose the logo list appearance.


a static view with multiple rows


a scrollable view with one row and navigation arrows on sides

Desktop cards per row

Adjust how many logos show in the row at once.

Desktop space between cards

Adjust the spacing at the top, bottom, and sides between the logos within the section.

Mobile space between cards

Adjust the spacing at the top, bottom, and sides between the logos within the section.

Show navigation arrows

Choose when to show navigation arrows on the sides.


Autoplay mode

Choose the way the logos change on the screen. Note that the autoplay pauses when you place the pointer on the logos on desktop or swipe them left or right on mobile.


turns off the autoplay


turns on the instant change of one logo to another on the screen


turns on the smooth and gradual logo change

Autoplay speed

Adjust the logo change speed.


Add side paddings

Select to add extra space on the sides between the section and the screen.

Top padding

Adjust the space between the section and the previous element on the page.

Bottom padding

Adjust the space between the section and the following element on the page.


Select an image for a logo. You can choose images either from your library or the free images collection. Note that the free images you use are also saved to your library. You can further edit the uploaded image: add a focal point and fill in an alt text.

Logo size

Adjust the logo size within the section.

Choose a page within your store or enter a URL to redirect customers to another page when they click on the logo; for example, the brand's official website.

Last updated