Image slider

Use this section for brand promotion or storytelling. Pair text with an image to attract more attention to events.


Color scheme

Choose a separate color scheme for the section.


Choose the width of the section on the page.

Slider type

Choose how the slides change within the section.


slides scroll horizontally using navigation arrows

Progress bar

slides scroll horizontally using the dots on a progress bar

Vertical scroll - Image

images on the slides flip up and down as you scroll the page

Vertical scroll - Text

text on the slides flips up and down as you scroll the page

Content alignment

Choose the content alignment within its part of the slide.

Content width

Adjust the maximal content width within its container. Note that as the content volume decreases, the width decreases as well.

Image position

Choose the image position against the text content in the slide. Note that on mobile devices, small screens, and browser windows that fit less than 768 pixels, the image always appears at the top.

Desktop image ratio

Choose the view and orientation of featured images on slides.

Mobile image ratio

Choose the view and orientation of featured images on slides.

Rotate images

Select to change the angle of images to create an intentionally careless look. Note that with rotated images turned on, the transition animation slightly changes for the ‘Slideshow’ and ‘Progress bar’ slider types.


Add side paddings

Select to add extra space on the sides between the section and the screen.

Top padding

Adjust the space between the section and the previous element on the page.

Bottom padding

Adjust the space between the section and the following element on the page.


Add multiple slides to the section. Pair text with an image to focus on an event or a piece of news.


Last updated