Product details

The section shows additional information about the product or the collection it belongs to in separate tabs.


Color scheme

Choose a separate color scheme for the section.

Color background

Select to apply the color scheme of the section to its background. Note that the section background does not show with screen width and zero paddings.


Choose the width of the section on the page.


Choose the style of tabs with additional information.

Panel tabs

the tabs appear from left to right in a row

Collapsed tabs

the tabs appear from top to bottom in a column with the content initially hidden

Expand first tab

Select to make the tab of the first added block initially open. Note that the option applies only to the 'Collapsed tabs' style.


Add side paddings

Select to add extra space on the sides between the section and the screen.

Top padding

Adjust the space between the section and the previous element on the page.

Bottom padding

Adjust the space between the section and the following element on the page.


Choose out of three blocks to add as tabs with additional information.

pageDescriptionpageContent tabpageCustom liquid

Last updated