
Use this section to showcase a set of products in one featured image. Identify the products in the image and arrange them the way you want.


Color scheme

Choose a separate color scheme for the section.


Choose the width of the section on the page.

Enable pins

Select to show the pins that indicate the location of products in the featured image.



Fill in the heading to introduce the content of the featured image.


Fill in the body with the information about the featured image and its products.

Heading size

Choose the font size for the content heading.

Body size

Choose the font size for the content body. Note that the option applies only to the 'Paragraph' body text formatting.

Content alignment

Choose the content alignment within the section.


Desktop image

Select a featured image for the section. You can choose images either from your library or the free images collection. Note that the free images you use are also saved to your library. You can further edit the uploaded image: add a focal point and fill in an alt text.

Use custom ratio

Select to enable the featured image ratio adjustment on desktop. Otherwise, the selected desktop image uses its original ratio.

Desktop custom ratio

Adjust the proportion between the width and height of the featured image and make its orientation square, horizontal, or vertical. Note that you can use this option only when 'Use custom ratio' is selected.

Mobile image

Select a featured image for the section. You can choose images either from your library or the free images collection. Note that the free images you use are also saved to your library. You can further edit the uploaded image: add a focal point and fill in an alt text.

Use custom ratio

Select to enable the featured image ratio adjustment on mobile. Otherwise, the selected mobile image uses its original ratio.

Mobile custom ratio

Adjust the proportion between the width and height of the featured image and make its orientation square, horizontal, or vertical. Note that you can use this option only when 'Use custom ratio' is selected.


Desktop position

Choose the position of the product cards against the featured image. Note that on mobile devices, small screens, and browser windows that fit less than 768 pixels, product cards always appear at the bottom.

Desktop layout

Choose the product card list layout on desktop.

Grid - 1 column

a static view with 1 column and multiple rows

Grid - 2 column

a static view with 2 columns and multiple rows

Grid - 3 column

a static view with 3 columns and multiple rows

Carousel - 1 card

a scrollable one-row view with 1 card showing at a time

Carousel - 2 cards

a scrollable one-row view with 2 cards showing at a time

Carousel - 3 cards

a scrollable one-row view with 3 cards showing at a time

Slideshow - 1/2 section

a scrollable one-card view with navigation circles at the bottom that occupies 1/2 of the section

Slideshow - 1/3 section

a scrollable one-card view with navigation circles at the bottom that occupies 1/3 of the section

Mobile layout

Choose the product card list layout on mobile.


a static view with 2 columns and multiple rows


a scrollable one-card view with navigation circles at the bottom

Carousel popup

a scrollable view with one and a half cards showing at a time; it pops up when you tap the product pins or the icon in the corner of the featured image

Slideshow popup

a scrollable one-card view with navigation circles at the bottom; it pops up when you tap the product pins or the icon in the corner of the featured image

Carousel with vertical cards

a scrollable view with one and a half cards showing at a time and a vertical card style

Carousel with horizontal cards

a scrollable view with one and a half cards showing at a time and a horizontal card style

Image ratio

Choose the view and orientation of product media within cards.

Content alignment

Choose product information alignment under the image.

Desktop gap

Adjust the spacing between the featured image and the list of product cards.

Desktop space between cards

Adjust the spacing between the cards within the section.

Mobile gap

Adjust the spacing between the featured image and the list of product cards.

Mobile space between cards

Adjust the spacing between the cards within the section.



Pick the color for the central area of the pin.


Pick the color for the outer outline of the pin.


Add side paddings

Select to add extra space on the sides between the section and the screen.

Top padding

Adjust the space between the section and the previous element on the page.

Bottom padding

Adjust the space between the section and the following element on the page.


Add the products that appear in the featured image.


Last updated