Countdown banner

Pair image with a countdown timer to draw attention to new arrivals or special offers in your store and create urgency around the news.


Color scheme

Choose a separate color scheme for the section.

Color background

Select to apply the color scheme of the section to its background. Note that the section background does not show with screen width and zero paddings.


Choose the width of the section on the page.

Desktop ratio

Adjust the proportion between the width and height of the background image and make its orientation square, horizontal, or vertical. Note that the ratio adapts to the section content: as the content volume increases, the section height increases as well.

Mobile ratio

Adjust the proportion between the width and height of the background image and make its orientation square, horizontal, or vertical. Note that the ratio adapts to the section content: as the content volume increases, the section height increases as well.


Desktop image

Select an image for the banner. You can choose images either from your library or the free images collection. Note that the free images you use are also saved to your library. You can further edit the uploaded image: add a focal point and fill in an alt text.

Mobile image

Select an image for the banner. You can choose images either from your library or the free images collection. Note that the free images you use are also saved to your library. You can further edit the uploaded image: add a focal point and fill in an alt text.


You can add a video instead of an image. In this case, the video has a priority. You can either choose a video from your files or upload a new video from your device. Note that the newly added videos are also saved to your files. You can further edit the uploaded video: add a cover image and fill in an alt text.

Desktop overlay opacity

Dim the image to increase legibility of the content in the foreground.

Mobile overlay opacity

Dim the image to increase legibility of the content in the foreground.


Desktop position

Choose the content position on the banner.

Desktop alignment

Choose the content alignment within its background.

Desktop width

Adjust the maximal content width within its background. Note that as the content volume decreases, the width decreases as well.

Desktop spacing

Adjust the spacing between the borders of the section and the content within it.

Mobile position

Choose the content position on the banner.

Mobile alignment

Choose the content alignment within its background.



Choose the type of background for the content to make it more visible.


hides content background


shows a square filled with contrasting color


shows a square with only its borders colored


shows a blurred oval of contrasting color


shows a fully blurred square


shows a see-through square


Choose the type of background for the content to make it more visible.


hides content background


shows a square filled with contrasting color


shows a square with only its borders colored


shows a blurred oval of contrasting color


shows a fully blurred square


shows a see-through square


Add side paddings

Select to add extra space on the sides between the section and the screen.

Top padding

Adjust the space between the section and the previous element on the page.

Bottom padding

Adjust the space between the section and the following element on the page.


Add and fill in the blocks that make the section content.

pageInfo blockspageCountdown timer

Last updated