Complementary products

Use this block to show complementary products for the featured product. Note that for the cards to appear, you need to set up complementary products in the Shopify Search and Discovery app.


Color scheme

Choose a separate color scheme for the block.

Color background

Select to apply the background color to the whole block, not the product card only.

Show in quick view

Select to add the block to the ‘Quick view’ modal window.


Choose the product list appearance.

Grid with vertical cards

a static view with multiple rows and a vertical card style

Grid with horizontal cards

a static view with multiple rows and a horizontal card style

Carousel with vertical cards

a scrollable view with one row, navigation arrows, and a vertical card style

Carousel with horizontal cards

a scrollable view with one row, navigation arrows, and a horizontal card style

Image ratio

Choose the view and orientation of product media within cards. Note that with the ‘Inherited’ image ratio, product cards take the media ratio of the parent section that the block belongs to.


Fill in the heading to introduce the complementary products.

Heading size

Choose the font size for the heading.

Heading alignment

Choose the heading alignment over the list of products.

Maximum products to show

Adjust the maximum number of products to show in the block.

Show arrows on hover

Select to show arrows on the sides of the carousel only when you place the pointer on cards.


Autoplay mode

Choose the way the cards change on the screen. Note that the autoplay pauses when you place the pointer on the cards on desktop or swipe them left or right on mobile.


turns off the autoplay


turns on the instant change of one card to another on the screen


turns on the smooth and gradual card change

Autoplay speed

Adjust the card change speed.

Last updated