
Add a review from your customer or a famous quote that fits the general concept of the collage.


Color scheme

Choose a separate color scheme for the block.



Choose how many columns the card occupies in the collage grid.


Choose how many rows the card occupies in the collage grid.


Show rating

Select to show the five-star rating scale on top of the testimonial.


Set the rating for the customer review, from one to five stars, to show how popular it is with others.


Fill in the testimonial body; use a review from your customer so that others can read honest impressions of your products or a famous quote that complements the main idea of the collage.

Author avatar

Select an image for the author's avatar. You can choose images either from your library or the free images collection. Note that the free images you use are also saved to your library. You can further edit the uploaded image: add a focal point and fill in an alt text.

Author name

Fill in the testimonial author's name or source.

Author details

Fill in the details about testimonial author, for example, company and position.

Choose a page within your store or enter a URL to redirect customers to another page when they click on the card. Otherwise, the whole testimonial slides out from the left as a drawer.

Content alignment

Choose content alignment within the block.

Last updated