Info blocks

Use these blocks to show essential information about your cart content.

For correct cart operation DON'T REMOVE the 'Items', 'Subtotal', and 'Buttons' blocks


Add the list of products a customer added to the cart with their selected options and quantities.


Add the text box where customers can leave special instructions about how to prepare and deliver their order.


Add the subtotal price of all products in the cart and the taxes and shipping costs information, if any.

Show taxes and shipping costs

Select to show the notification that taxes are included and shipping calculated at checkout.

Show currency code

Select to show the currency code next to the prices in ‘Total’ and ‘Subtotal’, for example, EUR or USD.


Add the 'Check out' button and the dynamic 'Buy with...' button with the customer's preferred payment method. Learn more about dynamic checkout buttons in Shopify.

Last updated